Alternative Medicine
founded on deep research and proven results
Meridian Grace, N.D.
MY NEWEST YOUTUBE: Fertility Challenges in a Toxic World
* Listen to you and provide comprehensive evaluation of your complete medical history, lifestyle, emotional stress, diet, and identification of contributing factors.
* Identify your health concern(s) using specialized testing including recall healing, darkfield microscopy, blood cell testing, homeopathic evaluation, iridology, Nutri-Spec bio-chemical analysis, and Quantum Research Analysis (QRA Testing).
* Create customized homeopathic remedies and evaluate you for cellular detoxification.
* Offer lifestyle counseling for recovery and prevention.
* Recommend nutritional supplements, herbs, homeopathic preparations, etc. for improving your quality of life and reducing or replacing prescriptions and their side effects.
* Organize a detoxification plan to support healthy organ function and purify your body.
* Expand your understanding of blood tests previously done by your MD. Our test values are designed to read your tests based on optimal health, not just pathology.
We do more specific assessments via:
1. Blood Test Analysis Using Clinician’s View, using a program only available to health care practitioners and physicians, we analyze your blood tests with values that look for prevention and health. The traditional medical model values are looking for pathology only, but this information can identify nutrients that can assist in optimal health.
2. Dry Blood and live cell microscopy. The dry blood helps us to discern the three primary health issues in the body. It is an advanced testing procedure to view your blood cells, any fungus in your blood, parasites, and observe the results of your treatment plan.
3. Homeopathic Evaluation This is a very in-depth process of assessing information about your entire life including your health history, likes and dislikes, fears, familial health problems etc.
4. Iridology Enlarged pictures of your iris illustrates a map of the organs to reveal health challenges, and by inspecting for healing lines, we can see if treatments are effective or not.
5. Nutri-Spec Bio-Chemical Analysis This testing procedure takes 30 minutes and covers over 40 non-invasive tests. It shows systemic imbalances of the autonomic nervous system, electrolytes, pH, oxidative processes, and prostaglandins.
Dietary and supplement suggestions are unique for any of your above imbalances.
6. Quantum Research Analysis Specialized O-ring kinesiology tests the strength of your energy field in regards to specific organs derived from acupuncture points.
7. Regulation Thermometry This test is used to determine the overall health of our bodies. It examines our autonomic immune system to see if each of our body's organs are functioning properly. It has been proven to be very useful in detecting early stages of breast cancer, as opposed to being exposed to the harshness of mammograms.
Brief explanation of our most common treatments:
Gut and psychology syndrome
ADD and ADHD Programs
Advanced Immune Modulator
Allergy Programs (analysis of food allergies and oxidative stress)
Anthroposophical medicine
Bio-chemically Individualized Dietary Programs
Bio-Therapeutic drainage
Candida treatment
Chinese medicine
Clinical Blood Test Analysis
Color therapy
Conscious communication techniques
Constellation work
Darkfield Microscopy
Depression and Anxiety Programs
Detoxification Programs
Dried blood analysis,
Drainage Detox (Bio-therapeutic)
Energy Work (Jaffe Institute)
Emwave Heart Math Monitor
Gaps Diet
Geriatric Treatment
Hands on body therapy,
Herbal cleanse
Holographic integration breathing
Homeopathy (LM, Constitutional, Classical, and Acute)
homeopathic drainage
Home Visits
Hormone Balancing for Men and Women
Lifestyle Counseling
Light therapy
Manual Lymphatic Drainage (Vodder)
Meditation techniques
Metabolic Typing
Natural cooking techniques and recipes
Nutri-Spec Bio-Chemical Analysis
Nutrition for Body Builder and Athletes
NLP (neuro-linguistic programming)
Organic gardening
Ozone therapy
Pediatric Treatment
Pre-Diabetis programs
Prenatal Treatment
Psycho-spiritual counseling
Public Speaking
Natural Medicine of Dr. Gueniot
Quantum Research Analysis
Recall healing
Regulation Thermometry
Sound therapy
Teaching Kitchen
Vastu Energetics
Weight-loss programs
White Blood Cell Testing (for reactivity to foods & other substances)
Wiley Method of bio-mimetic hormone replacement